Happy Steve

Innovation and Learning

Start with clarity of intent.

Now build it out with an evocative vision. Improvise progress by tinkering: with lots of trial and lots of error. The not knowing is the best bit: the mysteries the surprises, and from time to time the windfalls! 

Hello there, I'm Steve Collis! 

Click on "contact", won't you, and wave right back at me?

Filtering by Tag: Language Teaching

UK ICT in Languages Joe Dale visits Australia - April 2012

Here is a super opportunity for language teachers. 

Joe Dale, a language-teacher-turned-consultant from the UK, will be in Australia for most of April 2012 and is available to travel pretty much anywhere to work with you! (Particularly good news if you're in regional Australia!) 

I chatted with Joe over Skype for a good hour the other day and was excited to hear his plans. 

Don't know Joe? Read more about him here: http://joedale.typepad.com/about.html and his general website here: http://joedale.typepad.com/ Listen to an interview on the Australian Edtech Crew podcast here. You'll see immediately that he is all about serving colleagues with ideas, information and news, with an eye for practicalities and particularly extensive experience with ICT for language learning.  He is gentle and encouraging

Invite him to your school for a day: he'll inject confidence, creativity and energy! Contact him here.

Conference Notes: Teaching French and Technology

I'm mainly blogging this for attendees of a French languge teaching conference. The notes below won't make much sense otherwise, but there are some links worth clicking!

Language Learning with Technology




Do, then think. NEVER ask permission. Stuff blows up all the time, don’t worry!



Get infinite ideas with Twitter and the notion of a ‘PLN’.  Recommended hashtags: #flteach #langchat #mfl


Provide social networking spaces with your students:

-        www.ning.com  ($3 a month!)  Sign up with Steve to get grant funded project in 2012. It's like Facebook but shared between your students and students in the target country.

-        www.edmodo.com – like Facebook, but without Farmville, and with control mechanisms.

-        Create a Facebook group!  Don’t have to ‘friend’ students to share a group.

-        www.beyondborders.edu.au for e-Twinning, which I run, but I feel it is too locked down.  


Reframe the class as a stage:





Create websites with: www.edublogs.org , http://wordpress.com (I have a manual I can email you), www.tumblr.com, or www.kidblog.com


Create a digital landscape, and frame it with a narrative, then let the students go explore.

(can do this without tech, aka ‘Matrix’ learning with pen and paper)

-        Paradigm shift. We use Moodle but could use a blog, wikispaces.com, etc

-        Map your images with Snag It or with a website like http://www.image-maps.com/


Creating Resources Quickly

-        Video/audio, esp. with iPhone or camera pointed at a piece of paper.

-        Pay students to digitalise materials. Get prac teachers.


And Finally Invitation to attend:

Workshop: Effective Teaching, Effecting Change: A Day With Steve Collis

Friday 11 Nov, 2011. www.scil.com.au/pd