Happy Steve

Innovation and Learning

Start with clarity of intent.

Now build it out with an evocative vision. Improvise progress by tinkering: with lots of trial and lots of error. The not knowing is the best bit: the mysteries the surprises, and from time to time the windfalls! 

Hello there, I'm Steve Collis! 

Click on "contact", won't you, and wave right back at me?

Live webstream from #DEHub Conference

I'm broadcasting a worldclass conference for free via webcam this week. Please spread the news. Focus is Distance Education.

High School / Primary teachers, this is also very relevant to you - scroll way down to read why.


(if the broadcast isn't live, it will show recent recordings instead)

I suggest you use the twitter hashtag '#dehub'

   Get up to date information from my Twitter feed.



The details:

Have a look at the program here: http://www.dehub.edu.au/summit2011/programme.html

These are the keynote speakers: http://www.dehub.edu.au/summit2011/keynotespeakers.html

 -------- Click the time links below to get your LOCAL TIME for the big keynote sessions ------

Tuesday 15 Feb:

8.30am Opening Ceremony  <--- NO LONGER BEING BROADCAST ---> 

9.15am SUMMIT Opening Emeritus Professor Denise Bradley, Companion of the Order of Australia

9.45am Australian and New Zealand Keynote Panel: What does distance education mean in Australia and New Zealand? What are the issues and challenges? What does the future hold?

11.45am Deputy Vice Chancellors Panel - Helicopter view of distance education

2.00pm Terry Anderson - Emerging technologies for enhancing distance education pedagogies

Wednesday 16 Feb:

9.00am Olaf Zawacki-Richter The geography of distance education research - bibliographic characteristics of a journal network

From 10.00am it's pot-luck as I attend workshops and broadcast as seems practical.

1.30pm Open Educational Resources Panel 

From 3.00pm it's pot-luck as I attend workshops and broadcast as seems practical.

Thursday 17 Feb 

 8.30am Dianne Laurillard The critical role of teachers in optimizing technologies for open learning

From 10.00am it's pot-luck as I attend workshops and broadcast as seems practical.

1.30pm Mohamed Ally: Mobile learning - hype or evidenced impact for higher education applications? - SORRY I HAVE BEEN TOLD I CAN'T BROADCAST THIS ONE.

2.30pm Anticipating the future: Developing leaders, researchers and practitioners of blended and distance learning Panel

From 4pm it's pot-luck as I attend workshops and broadcast as seems practical.

Friday 18 February

9.00am Phil Ice: A story of oxcarts and airplanes: Converging the reality and promise of e-learning

From 10.00am it's pot-luck as I attend workshops and broadcast as seems practical.

1.30pm Grainne Conole Social inclusion or exclusion: What do we already know about the learning patterns of socially excluded groups and what does Web 2.0 offer that is different for the distance learner?

...followed by the closing ceremony and postscripts.


Some thoughts from Steve about the conference:

First, this is very nice that the conference organisers are getting me to give away their best bits for free to anyone in the world.

People are paying $1000 to attend in person, and yet you can enjoy the best bits from your armchair for free.

Second, although the theme is University distance education, this is a highly significant conference for any educator. 

Let me give some reasons why:

- the technologies being discussed have far-reaching implications for any level of schooling. Think: mobile phones, iPads, virtual 3d worlds, creative commons licensing, and much more. In fact, these areas are moving so quickly I literally can't wait to hear what people say.

Let me pause and give you an anecdote from YESTERDAY. I was corrected THREE TIMES by my Year 8 French students who, without me asking them or giving permission, began surreptitiously checking some statistics I was throwing at them, on the internet. I was not the best source of knowledge in the room, and they damn well knew it, and I damn well rewarded them by the way!

- the conference has brought together a brilliant bunch to try to predict where things will go next. Listen to them. Frankly, your job as you know it is at stake.

- the 'distance education' thingy is an elephant, and if you haven't stopped to take it into account, well, you had better, and here's your chance. The classroom teacher will be competing with any other teacher in the whole world who can offer a better product over the web. Do not fret, but get up to speed with what this might mean.